Gentiles & Jews Unite

We may only do it once a year, but when Jews and Christians join forces to lobby government on behalf of Israel, we sure do it with passion.

I spent yesterday with the British Zionist Federation and Christian Friends Of Israel – two groups that work closely together to try and get Israel a fair hearing in Britain. For the past five years, these groups have spent a day every year meeting with various MPs and discussing the way the British media represents – or rather MISrepresents Israel.

Last year there were around three hundred of us. This year, even more people showed up and the atmosphere was one of genuine frustration with the BBC and also with various MPs who are openly hostile towards Israel.

One thing which struck me was that, for all the supposed ‘differences’ between Jews and Christians, we do share a good sense of humour. The two hosts, Eric Moonman(ZF) and Geoffrey Smith (CFI) are both wonderful and had us laughing at the start of the day with their irreverant and charming humour.  Geoffrey Smith also reminded us of a vital point to convey to those who argue: why shouldn’t Iran have nuclear weapons, since Israel does?

Smith pointed out: Israel has had nuclear weapons for several decades. Not once did any of the nearby Arab nations demand their own nuclear devices – because they’ve always trusted Israel. But since Iran has started enriching uranium and it’s become clear that Ahmadinejad has nuclear ambitions, several of those same Arab countries have stated that now they too want nuclear weapons.

This is an excellent point and one which we need to remind people of.

A lot of other interesting information was conveyed at the various sessions yesterday – I’m going to post something on them tomorrow so for those who may be interested, watch this space…!

Oh, and before anyone starts leaving stupid comments about Britain’s ‘israel lobby’, they might care to note: one of the MPs yesterday told us that British Muslims and several Muslim groups are ‘constantly throwing receptions and dinners’ for British politicians….

Iran: Openly Planning To Decimate Israel

I’m not sure why some people still dismiss the Iranian dream of destroying Israel. G-d knows Iran couldn’t be more open about it.

From Jihad Watch

Senior Iranian official: “We have manufactured missiles that allow us, when necessary, to replace Israel in its entirety with a big holocaust”

The Iranians continue to breathe threats and murder, and the West continues to do nothing. “Senior Iranian Official Mohammad Hassan Rahimian: Our Missiles Can Cause ‘Big Holocaust’ in Israel,” from MEMRI, January 12 (thanks to Sr. Soph):

Following is an excerpt from a statement by Mohammad Hassan Rahimian, Khamenei’s representative in the Iranian Martyr Foundation, which aired on Al-Manar TV on January 12, 2010. Mohammad Hassan Rahimian: The economic siege and everything they have done against us… “The plotting of evil will hem in only its authors.” The outcome was the opposite. Before the war, we had no military equipment. We have manufactured missiles that allow us, when necessary, to replace  Israel in its entirety with a big holocaust.

John Bolton Talks Straight About Iran – And Need For Israeli Strike

This just in from (


U.S. President Barack Obama’s policies have left an Israeli attack on Iran the only option in preventing the Muslim country from obtaining a nuclear weapon, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton wrote in The Washington Post today.


In an article headlined “Time for an Israeli Strike?” Bolton answered his own question by stating: “Israel’s decision of whether to use military force against Tehran’s nuclear weapons program is more urgent than ever… Those who oppose Iran acquiring nuclear weapons are left in the near term with only the option of targeted military force against its weapons facilities.”


A long-time supporter of Israel and a harsh critic of the U.N., Bolton claimed that the Iranian nuclear threat “was never in doubt“ during the American presidential campaign, but is even more certain following the apparent failure of the resistance movement in Iran.


Bolton also wrote:


“With no other timely option, the already compelling logic for an Israeli strike is nearly inexorable. Israel is undoubtedly ratcheting forward its decision-making process. President Obama is almost certainly not.”


He chastised the Obama administration for strategic and tactical flaws by continuing its effort to negotiate with Iran. Bolton declared that American officials think Iran will be more anxious than ever to be “accepted” following the alleged rigged victory of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in last month’s election.


    “Tehran isn’t going to negotiate in good faith,” Bolton maintained. “It hasn’t for the past six years with the European Union as our surrogates, and it won’t start now… Second, given Iran’s nuclear progress, even if the stronger sanctions Obama has threatened could be agreed upon, they would not prevent Iran from fabricating weapons and delivery systems when it chooses, as it has been striving to do for the past 20 years. Time is too short, and sanctions failed long ago.”

Bolton expressed fears that President Obama’s “Plan B”  would allow Iran to proceed with its nuclear program for peaceful purposes while publicly stating it has no military objectives.


“Obama would define such an outcome as ‘success,’ even though in reality it would hardly be different from what Iran is doing and saying now,” the former ambassador continued.


“Anyone who believes the Revolutionary Guard Corps will abandon its weaponization and ballistic missile programs probably believes that there was no fraud in Iran’s June 12 election.” – John Bolton


Bolton wrote that negotiations with Iran would place Israel in “an even more dangerous trap.”


Bolton concluded:

“Failure to stage a pre-emptive attack on Iran means that the world must be prepared for an Iran with nuclear weapons, which some, including Obama advisers, believe could be contained and deterred. That is not a hypothesis we should seek to test in the real world. The cost of error could be fatal.”

The Dhimmi In The White House

Obama’s moral equivalence is reaching new depths.  You may recall that the US had invited Iranian diplomats to attend July 4th celebrations at American embassies. Many people assumed that these invites – absurd to start with – would be rescinded given Iran’s violent measures against protesters  at present.

But no – the Dhimmi in the White House clearly wouldn’t dream of a public show of solidarity with the Iranian people! Instead:

WASHINGTON (AFP)The United States said Monday its invitations were still standing for Iranian diplomats to attend July 4 celebrations at US embassies despite the crackdown on opposition supporters.

President Barack Obama’s administration said earlier this month it would invite Iran to US embassy barbecues for the national holiday for the first time since the two nations severed relations following the 1979 Islamic revolution.

There’s no thought to rescinding the invitations to Iranian diplomats,” State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters.

We have made a strategic decision to engage on a number of fronts with Iran,” Kelly said. “We tried many years of isolation, and we’re pursuing a different path now.”


And what a path it is!

Inviting Iranian diplomats to July 4th parties would be like the Allies inviting the Nazis to Thanksgiving lunch.  Does Obama really think that a few fireworks and hotdogs are going to overcome Islamic hatred for all things democratic and Western…?

If so, he’s not just a dhimmi.

He’s a fool.


Iran’s ‘Peaceful’ Nuclear Project

Mad Mahoud AhmadinejIhad has insisted for months that his nuclear programme is a ‘peaceful’ one. Much of the world has chosen to swallow this fiction, with Israel being the lone dissenter.

Now Christopher Hitchens makes an interesting point in yesterday’s Sunday Express:

Referring to a recent Hezbollah rally in Lebanon that he attended, Hitchens notes:

In a large hall that featured the official attendance of a delegation from the Iranian embassy, the most luridly displayed poster of the pro-Iranian party was a nuclear mushroom cloud! Underneath this telling symbol was a caption warning the ‘zionists’ of what lay in store.

We sometimes forget that Iran still officially denies any intention of acquiring nuclear weapons. Yet Ahmadinejaad recently hailed an an Iranian missile launch as a counterpart to Iran’s success with nuclear centrifuges and Hezbollah has certainly formed the idea that Iranian reactors may have non-peaceful applications.

This means that the vicious manipulation by which the mullahs control Iran can no longer be considered an ‘internal affair’. Fascism at home sooner or later means fascism abroad.  Face it now or fight it later. Meanwhile, give it its right name.”

Iranian masses: ‘Death To The UK, America, And Israel!’


The Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s supreme fruitcake – sorry,  leader – today voiced support for Ahmadinejad.  His statement comes after a week of violent protests and accusations of election rigging.

Speaking at Tehran University today, the Ayatollah also lambasted the British government, calling it:   ‘the most treacherous in the world.’

 And responding to international concerns over the legitimacy of the vote, he added: ‘Some of our enemies in different parts of the world intended to depict this absolute victory, this definitive victory, as a doubtful victory.’

It seems that Khamenei’s attack on Britain was triggered by Gordon Brown and David Miliband, and their statements on Iran earlier in the week.  Iran’s Ambassador to Britain Rasoul Movahedian has now been summoned to the Foreign Office where officials are expected to lodge a formal complaint about the Ayatollah’s remarks.

But today, thousands of Iranians attended the speech by the Ayatollah. The masses chanted ‘Death to the UK, American and Israel’.

Undeterred, Gordon Brown today criticised Iran further, condemning the violence and media blackout which occurred in the wake of the rioting over the election results. Mr Brown stated:   “The eyes of the world are  on Iran. It is for Iran now to show the world that the elections are fair.”

Iran’s president, Mad Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, attended the Ayatollah’s speech today, as did  his rival Mirhossein Mousavi.

Mousavi supporters have arranged  another rally for tomorrow.   But if they proceed in defiance of Khamenei’s  warning, they risk a severe response from security forces.

Hopefully, Iran will be far too busy with its own problems to continue threatening to destroy Israel…

Ahmadinejad: ‘The Holocaust Is A Deception’

Yep, Mad Mahmoud is at it again. Seems like Holocaust Denial is one of his favourite hobbies.

Yesterday he referred to the Holocaust as a ‘big deception’. Speaking to 600 scholars who had assembled in Tehran to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of that other raving lunatic, the Ayatollah Khomeini, Mad Mahmoud also devoted time to bashing Israel. Or, as he prefers to describe it: ‘that zionist entity’.

Iran’s state television website offered a direct quote from Mahmoud: ‘The identity of the liberal democracy has been exposed to the world by its protection of the zionist regime, by using the big deception of the Holocaust.’

Let’s remember that the actual definition of ‘zionist’ is: a person who supports the existence of Israel.

Let’s also remember that it is largely Mad Mahmoud that Barack Hussein Obama is aiming to woo at present, hence this week’s verbal love letter to the Muslim world.

Iran goes to the polls on the 12th of June. Watch this space.




Iran: We Have Now Test Fired A Missile That Can Hit Israel

Buried  on page thirty-nine of my newspaper, is a story about Iran. Oddly, many people seem to feel that anything involving Iran is ‘ just a middle eastern issue’ and nothing to do with us, safe and sound here in Britain.

They could not be more wrong. Iran’s declaration that it has successfully test fired the Sajjil-2, a missile capable of hitting Israel, and also USA bases in the region, has everything to do with us.

As does the spectre of an Iran with nuclear capability; something that is imminent if not already with us. For Ahmadinejad is not just, as the British media loves to call him, a ‘hardliner’.

Ahmadinejad is, bluntly put, a lunatic.

He’s also mismanaged the Iranian economy to such an extent that he may be defeated in the upcoming Iran elections on June 12.

Pray that he doesn’t get in. Pray hard.

Because remember, this is a man who has repeatedly vowed to ‘wipe the jewish state off the map’. This is a man who declared ‘there are no gays in Iran’ – presumably because any who dare creep out of the closet are immediately beheaded. And this is a man who has already organised a conference dedicated to the topic: ‘The World Without Israel’.

Ahmadinejad. Hitler. Different names: same aims.

A nuclear Iran will mean that the free world can be held hostage. Amadinejad subscribes to the  notion that ‘death for Allah’ is the highest honour any Muslim can hope for. A nuclear Iran is effectively an entire nation of potential ‘Shahids’, or ‘martyrs’.’

Not exactly a cheery thought, that, is it…?

Meanwhile, Obama has made it painfully clear to Israel’s Prime Minister, Netanyahu, that there is no support for a pre-emptive strike on the Iranian nuclear sites. Israel is well and truly on her own.

Apparently convinced that it is possible to ‘negotiate’ with a madman, Obama is  busy flapping his little olive branch at Mahmoud, amidst promises to deliver Israel on a silver platter ***if*** Mr Ahmadinejad would be kind enough to  shelvehis nuclear aspirations.

Those of us that support Israel often point out that she is the sole democracy in the region. This is a key point that the West would do well to remember. Because what Israel confronts today, the West will confront further on down the line. Support for Israel is support for democracy.

And when Obama hands Israel over in his insane bid to ‘reason’ with the unreasonable, in the form of Iran, he’s not just endangering Israel. He’s sending out a clear message to Iran and to every Islamic theocracy and Islamic terrorist group out there: the infidels are ours for the taking.